Thank you Jules for your comment. That is indeed an issue when it comes to prioritizing from a pool of items, each seeming equally important.
The way I have succeeded in the past and seen others do as well is:
- Identify the top 1 or 2 things that can help you succeed in the current role
- Identify the top 1 or 2 things that can help take your career to the next growth stage where you aspire to be
- Look at people within the company and community who have a similar background and growth trajectory as yours to identify what were there focus areas
- With the raw list of items, sync up with your peers and manager to get their take on how aligned or vastly different their perception is of the same
- Once you have narrowed down to a common set of items, what to focus on as the top thing would depend on how broad the item on the list is and time available at your disposal
A good way would be to break down into actionable milestones for continuous learning and get better each passing day with something rather than having a vague/ generic list which is pretty widespread and can appear unapproachable from the get-go.
Hope this helps!